UFO Specialist Detects ‘ancient Alien Jet Engine’ Remains On Mars


UFO specialist Waring of ET DataBase said that while navigating through archived snaps on the Red Planet by NASA’s Curiosity rover, he spotted “engine”.

A UFO specialist has reportedly detected remains of an ancient jet engine on the surface of Mars saying that the “advanced technology” was proof that Martians existed. Posting the footage on his YouTube channel, the UFOlogist Scott Waring of ET DataBase said that while navigating through archived snaps on the Red Planet by NASA’s Curiosity rover, he spotted “engine” that has been existent on Mars’ dusty Gale crater for approximately eight years. In a published blog post, Waring detailed the material, what he said, resembled the “modern-day jet engines.” 

Mentioning the date of discovery as July 7, 2020, Waring wrote, “I found an ancient artifact on Mars today in a Gigapan photo. The photo shows an object laying on the surface of Mars that closely resembles today's modern jet engines. The object is old, dented and has a layer of dust on it, but it still stands out clearly from the other objects in the area.” He added, “This evidence is proof that aliens on Mars did have engines far more advanced than our own. Engines capable of not using wires or tubes, but using micro tech built directly into the structure of the object.” On the occasion of rover’s 735th Martian day, or sol, NASA captured the iconic image of Mars on August 30, 2014. Waring stated that the alleged engine was a part of highly advanced technological structure while asserting, the remains scattered in the image belonged to prehistoric extra-terrestrials.  


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